Wake, Daily Morning Routine , Protein shake, followed by trip to the dentist for a checkup/clean.
Home for house inspection by agent and then Greg’s Porridge.
Something weird happened and I couldn’t walk from a strange pain in my foot. 5 minutes of rolling on a ball on my glutes, right side of my back/should and I was back in business. Need to do some more rolling today to push this little issue out.
Greg’s Veggies Stew and wild brown rice for lunch and a handful of almonds and brazil nuts.
Went and did Workout A this afternoon. It’s been 5 days since my last training so I think this might be why I have stopped gaining weight. Only 6 days to go so I need to train, eat and sleep as optimally as I can. I’ve only been sleeping 5-6 hours for the last week so I think this might also be a reason for slow growth.
Protein shake after training with l-glutamine.
Fitbit Aria Scales Daily Data:
- Morning Pre-Poo weight: 77.5kg
- Morning Post-Poo weight: 76.3kg
- Bedtime weight: 77.8kg