Daily Morning Routine

If you’ve spent any time listening to podcasts from Tim Ferris, Rich Roll, Lewis Howes or The ATP Project, you will have heard a recurring theme about having a daily routine. So, why not jump on the bandwagon.

My daily morning routine as soon as I wake up is as follows (it might be a little too detailed):

  • Drink 1-2 glasses of water
  • Weigh myself (how much I weigh isn’t as important as monitoring the fluctuations up and down)
  • Go to the toilet
  • Weigh myself again (how much I weigh isn’t as important as monitoring the fluctuations up and down)
  • Make bed
  • Meditate for 10 minutes (I use HeadSpace for iPhone)
  • Morning movements:
    • 10 Freeletics pushups
    • 10 squats
    • 10 forwards/backwards movements with arms
    • 10 rotator cuff movements
    • 10 shoulder slaps
    • 10 shoulder circles clockwise
    • 10 shoulder circles anti-clockwise
  • 2 minute cold shower
  • Journalling (what I’m grateful for, thoughts, ToDo)

That’s it is a nutshell. I do this each morning. With the cold shower, I started at 1 minute, then moved to 1 minute and 30 seconds; then increased to 2 minutes. This may increase or decrease over time depending on time constraints.