Day 28 of the 4 Hour Body

Yay it’s my final day. Started the day a little slower today, but the same as yesterday. Firstly my Daily Morning Routine and a protein shake. Then made a double espresso from my Bialetti stovetop double espresso maker.

While trying to book my DEXA scan I found out that the one I go to has closed due to government regulation changes. So now I have to madly find another place to go, although I may need to get a referral from a doctor this time. I have today to sort this out.

Well… I managed to find a place to get my DEXA scan done. Looks like I’ll even get my 1 day water fast done tomorrow too woohoo!

Ate Greg’s Porridge for a latish lunch and another double espresso. Went for a little jog down to the park and did some muscle-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, handstand push-ups for a relaxing workout.

Kind of snacked on tempeh, lentils, red kidney beans and chickpeas for an afternoon snack. Also had another protein shake.

Dinner I was feeling lazy so I made baked potato, sweet potato and beetroot, followed by a final round of Greg’s Porridge to seal the deal of this 28 day adventure and experiment.

Tomorrow starts my full day fast woohoo!!!!

Fitbit Aria Scales Daily Data:

  • Morning Pre-Poo weight: 78.2kg
  • Morning Post-Poo weight: 76.7kg
  • Bedtime weight: 78.6kg