Day 25 of the 4 Hour Body

Well, after clocking in at 79kg last night, I woke to 77.1kg. Not ideal, but understandable considering the amount of food I’m eating and subsequently exiting from my body.

Woke and did my Daily Morning Routine (minus the meditation), had a protein shake and then went for a coffee before inspecting an apartment for rent.

Porridge after the apartment inspection, followed by two more inspections and another coffee.

Ate a nice big bowl of Greg’s Veggie Stew with quinoa.

Then went down to Bon Beach for a kiting session. Ate a banana, apple and some almonds/wall nuts/ brazil nuts).

Got home and had a protein shake followed by Greg’s Veggie Stew again.

Prepped Greg’s Porridge for when I get home tonight from a quiet night out. Also made a double stovetop espresso. Might have another one before going out as I’m super tired/wrecked after this kiting session.

Fitbit Aria Scales Daily Data:

  • Morning Pre-Poo weight: 71.1kg
  • Morning Post-Poo weight: 76.5kg
  • Bedtime weight: 77.9kg